
Punch Lines

* What did they call Mr. Ed when he had laryngitis? The horse whisperer. (Caitlin Noel Cross, 5, Pasadena, Waverly School)

* What do you get when you cross electricity and a wagon? A voltswagon. (Andrea Lindsay, 10, Mission Viejo, Bathgate Elementary)

* What kind of pants do ghosts wear? Boo jeans. (Fernando Ayala, 8, North Hollywood, Burbank Boulevard Elementary)


* What did one skunk say to the other skunk? “Hello, stinker.” (Hannah DeRemer, 10, Tarzana, Roscomare Road School)

* Why did Tarzan lose the tennis match? He was playing a cheetah. (Joe Donato, 8, North Hollywood, Burbank Boulevard Elementary)

* What sound does a snail make? “Crunch.” (Marilyn Andersen, 8, Rancho Palos Verdes, Soleodo School)



KIDS, GOT A JOKE? Send it to Pint-Sized Punch Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. Print (or type) your full name, age, hometown and school. Please note that we try to avoid jokes we’ve published before. And please be patient.
