
Preserving Pierce Land

* Re “Plans for Pierce Land Offered,” Nov 18.

What happened to the truth, the plain simple truth? Pierce College’s land-use plan is not an attempt to destroy wild habitat or natural surroundings. On the contrary, it is an attempt to preserve it. Better known as the Multipurpose Academic Project (MAP), the plan to develop Pierce’s open land is an act of dual preservation. Not only would the college be salvaged, but the farm and agriculture department would be far better preserved for future generations than it stands now. The MAP proposes not to destroy open land, but to allow it to flourish by revamping the agricultural department.

Take a good look at the dry dilapidated farm. Wouldn’t you rather see it flourish well into the next millennium along with Pierce College? This plan is not to save the farm or to save the students; it is about saving ALL of Pierce College. So the next time someone tells you that no longer will you be able to take your nature walks or educate your children about the beautiful migrating geese, you tell them otherwise. Would you rather see the farm and the rest of Pierce College deteriorated and shut down with neither students nor animals? Or would you rather tell your kids the story about the day the farm and their school was saved?


