
19 Defendants to Graduate From Drug Rehab Program

Nineteen defendants charged with drug use or possession will graduate today from a drug rehabilitation program coordinated by the Westside’s criminal courts.

Deputy Public Defender Lynn Meltzer-Brewer said participants were given the option of attending the program in lieu of going to trial. Many go directly from the courthouse to CLARE, a Westside rehabilitation center, said program manager Sandra Chapin. Those who graduate from the yearlong, county-funded program have felony charges against them dropped.

During the program’s first phase, defendants come to the rehabilitation center six days a week. They attend group meetings, are tested for drug usage and undergo individual counseling, she said. In phase two, they are helped with medical and other problems that may interfere with getting a job.


The $135,000-a-year program processes up to 50 participants at a time from throughout the Westside.

“We help break the cycle,” said Chapin. “Most people who come in believe they can’t live without drugs. Many are homeless, believing they can’t be helped. The program helps them chart another way of living.”
