
Obituaries - Sept. 6, 1997

Bohachef, William G., 82, of Burbank, retired aircraft inspector for Lockheed Corp. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Bradbury, Robert F., 53, of Sherman Oaks, retired catering business owner. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

De Castro, Lapaz S., 74, of North Hollywood, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Demmert-Marziani, Lucille G., 84, of Glendale, retired saleswoman for David Orgell Co. Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.


Zafari, Anahid, 69, of Glendale, retired motel owner and operator. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
