
Noise Standards

* Re “Stricter Noise Standards Recommended for Universal,” Nov. 11.

When Universal Studios cut its project by more than 40%, they also added many new exemptions which gave it all back. Although many believe the project will bring 13,000 new jobs and $25 million in increased tax revenue, the truth is the entertainment industry has been exempted from 80% of its sales tax obligations. Also, Universal is releasing many high-paying, skilled positions, replacing them with entry-level, part-time, low-paying jobs.

County planners are investigating the legal necessity to recirculate the environmental impact report because impacts have been minimized, underestimating necessary mitigations. With the comment period closed, Universal’s misrepresentation is not being challenged. Come to the Nov. 19 hearing and support this request to rewrite the EIR. Do not believe there is nothing you can do about their traffic and noise.


Los Angeles
