
Navy Seeking Input on Fighter Jets’ Move

Local military and community leaders are hoping for a large turnout tonight at a Navy hearing on the potential environmental impacts of bringing a fleet of fighter jets to the Point Mugu base.

The F/A-18 planes, currently on the production line, are designed to replace an older fleet of fighter jets. The Navy estimates that the fleet could bring about 1,550 military and civilian jobs to the area.

Some environmentalists, however, say the planes should be based elsewhere.

Point Mugu is not the only naval base being considered for the jets. Environmental hearings already have been held at the Naval Air Station in Lemoore and the Naval Air Facility in El Centro.


Although military and county officials have said they doubt that Point Mugu will be selected as the fighter jets’ new home, they hope the meeting will give them a chance to show their support of the Navy.

Tonight’s meeting, local leaders say, could help Point Mugu’s chances of receiving four squadrons of E-2C Hawkeye radar planes, which will be relocating from the Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego.

“We are going to send a message to Navy officials that we are serious about the Navy staying in this area,” said Ventura County Supervisor John Flynn.


But members of a local environmental group are concerned that the fighter jets could be a dangerous and noisy addition to the county.

“I am wondering why [Point Mugu], which is far less suitable [than Lemoore], is even being considered,” said Lee Quaintance, a member of the BEACON environmentalist group. “Placing tactical planes like this in an urbanized place makes no sense.”

The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Bougainvillea Room of the Orchid Professional Building, 816 Camarillo Springs Road in Camarillo.
