
Good Riddance to Spill-Your-Guts Trend

Re “Thank You for Not Sharing” (Jan. 10): Those who “share” via pseudo biographies or talk programs do so to be congratulated and remunerated or to rub our collective noses in it.

Fortunately, I can report that the trend is ebbing.

I was pleased to see piled on a long table at the Mid-Wilshire-area Pic ‘N’ Save the following recent books: “The Whole Truth,” by Kato Kaelin; “When You’re From Brooklyn . . . ,” by Larry King; “See, I Told You So,” by Rush Limbaugh; “One More Mission,” by Oliver North; “Private Parts,” by Howard Stern; and “Daryl,” by Daryl Strawberry.

All bore inside their dust jackets the original prices of from $20 to $25. Each was red-tagged $1.


I was the only browser. I bought a pair of sports socks.


Los Angeles
