
Prosecutors’ Motion: Three veteran prosecutors will change...

Prosecutors’ Motion: Three veteran prosecutors will change jobs Monday in the Valley in the wake of the demotion of Steve Cooley, head deputy district attorney at San Fernando courts, to a welfare fraud unit. Cooley says his transfer is retaliation by D.A. Gil Garcetti for supporting his election opponent. . . . Also moving: Phil Wynn, formerly head deputy in Van Nuys, will replace Cooley in San Fernando. Prosecutor Peter Berman will replace Wynn.

Anti-Arbor Days: The topple tally is in: Officials estimate more than 2,000 trees were severely damaged or felled from Glendale to Calabasas during recent high winds. But don’t fret, that’s a tiny fraction of the area’s estimated 750,000 trees. . . . The city and county have promised to replace their fallen treasures. “Many will not recover their shape or attractiveness. They are essentially crippled,” said an arboretum biologist.

X Marks the Spot: More than 2,000 people are expected to pack the Burbank Hilton today to pay homage to a warrior princess. That’s Xena, of course, the mythical TV phenomenon played by Lucy Lawless. . . . On Saturday, costumed hordes like the pair above turned out to rub elbows with her pal, Hercules. One observer described it as kind of an air-conditioned Renaissance Faire. Don’t miss the sword fights in the garden.


Adoption Debate: When Gov. Pete Wilson last week suggested that social workers implore impoverished mothers to make adoption plans for their newborns, he touched off an impassioned public discussion. . . . Glendale attorney Harold L. Myers applauded the idea. The birth mother “needs that encouragement--someone speaking out to them,” he said. B15
