
12-Year-Old Accused of Molestations Will Return to School

<i> Associated Press</i>

A 12-year-old boy accused of sexually molesting seven younger boys will be allowed to return to school but will be shadowed throughout the day by a newly hired teacher’s aide.

The plan worked out by a Juvenile Court judge and school officials did not satisfy some parents in this suburb east of Cleveland. At a PTA meeting Thursday night, some said they wanted the boy to be tutored at home rather than attend Orchard Hollow Elementary School.

The boy pleaded innocent Tuesday to six delinquency counts of rape and one count of attempted gross sexual imposition involving boys ages 6 to 9.


John Grund, assistant superintendent, said the supervision plan was an attempt to comply with court restrictions. A judge has prohibited the boy from having contact with his accusers or any younger children. He also ordered the boy to wear a monitoring bracelet.
