
What About Set Decorator?

Kenneth Turan’s excellent review of “Star Trek: First Contact” was dead on the mark when he mentioned the many Trek veterans who contributed to making this a film of “cheerfulness and style” (“Ahead, Warp Factor 8,” Nov. 22). Why then, wasn’t set decorator John M. Dwyer’s name included in this valuable “Star Trek brain trust”? Mr. Dwyer has been associate with more of the various incarnations of “Star Trek” than anyone still involved, excepting Majel Barrett Roddenberry.

The set decorator plays an essential and indispensable role in the look of any film, but this is particularly true in science fiction, where everything comes from the imagination. The motion picture academy thinks highly enough of the members of this craft to give one of them an Oscar each year.

At least Mr. Turan didn’t make the erroneous assumption that so many of his fellow reviewers make and give all kudos to the director. But hopefully, as the head critic of one of this country’s major newspapers, he will give credit where credit is due.



