
Videotape of Abuse by Nanny Leads to Arrest

Authorities said videotape from a surveillance camera led them to charge a Canoga Park nanny Friday with two counts of child abuse.

Claudia Martha Rodriguez, 24, is accused of abusing a 7-month-old girl in her care, said Los Angeles City Atty. Jim Hahn. At an arraignment Friday in Van Nuys Municipal Court, Rodriguez pleaded not guilty and a court date was set for Oct. 3.

Convictions on both counts would carry maximum penalties of a year and a half in prison and/or $7,000 in fines.


Rodriguez was arrested this week by police detectives, Hahn said, following an investigation prompted by behavior captured Aug. 26 by a camera the victim’s parents installed in their West Hills home.

The tape shows Rodriguez pulling the infant’s ear and hair, striking her with a television remote control until she cried and forcefully shaking her head, according to Deputy City Atty.

Martha Gutierrez, a prosecutor in Hahn’s Van Nuys office who is handling the case. The parents told Gutierrez they installed the camera after detecting signs of possible abuse.
