
Photos Explore State of Nature, Technology

A joint exhibition by a photographer from Laguna Beach and one from Utah opened this week and continues through Sept. 20 at Cypress College, 9200 Valley View St. The showing is free and open to the public.

The photographers are Jacques L. Garnier of Laguna Beach and Paul Adams of Logan, Utah. Titled “Traces,” the exhibition is open Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

College photography instructor Jerry Burchfield said that, though the works of Garnier and Logan are different, “both find traces of humanity’s impact upon nature an undeniable feature of the world today.”


Photographs by Garnier deal with “the abuse and disregard of the effects of human technology and its assimilation into the natural world,” a college spokesman said.

Garnier’s photos will be shown in the foyer gallery on the second floor of Technical Education Building I, and in the library gallery on the third floor of the library building.

Adam’s photographs concentrate on the terrain near Great Salt Lake in Utah. His work will be exhibited in the college’s photography gallery on the second floor of Technical Education Building I.


Information: (714) 826-2220, Ext. 244.
