
Reward Excellence, Not Mediocrity

Sister Janet Harris’ saintly work in consoling and comforting the innocent damned is all very admirable, but aren’t her efforts much too late and off target? (“Sister of Mercy,” Aug. 4)

We should be focusing on the parents who cause the tragedies by having children before they are prepared to do a proper job of showing their offspring how to be happy, productive citizens.

It is criminally irresponsible to underwrite inadequate youngsters who reproduce themselves indiscriminately simply because nature makes it possible.


Instead of hiding behind the seductive myth of equality, weeping for the unjustly condemned, and underwriting mediocrity, we would be wise to go back to the beginning by rewarding excellence, working to provide equal access to opportunity for all children and finding ways to make it profitable for potential parents to prepare themselves seriously before making babies.


Newport Beach


Janet Harris is a shining example of the moral insanity that’s been destroying our society for the last 30 years. Murder? All a part of growing up. Just one of those crazy things kids do.

Pete Wilson is “demonic.” He “dances with death.” So how does she describe a person who kills a caseworker on a dare? It’s people like her who have created the judgment-free environment in which such acts can occur.



Fountain Valley
