
Capable of Working? Then Just Do It

A comment on Robin Abcarian’s “Sometimes Safety Nets Catch Diamonds” (Aug. 7): All too often society is made to feel compassion for those who intentionally self-destruct and then expect the hard-working majority of Americans to pick up the tab to repair their lives.

Yvonne and Sam brought on their problems through their own irresponsible behavior. As both were knowledgeable enough to have sex, then both should know to use birth control.

Sam and Yvonne’s journey to this point has cost the American taxpayer tens of thousands of dollars. Yvonne’s free education probably caused other applicants to be turned away from USC.


Why should average Americans, who educate themselves, work hard and teach morals and values to their children, be expected to pay for those who refuse to do any of these things?

This is not about closing the door to the aged, sick or disabled, those truly in need, but showing that if you are healthy and capable of work or schooling, then that’s what’s expected of you.


Washington, D.C.
