
Work on Railroad Crossing to Affect Katella Avenue

Traffic along Katella Avenue may be snarled for a couple of days next week, but motorists should find their drives less jarring after the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. improves its railroad crossing.

Construction between Batavia and Glassell streets, near Home Depot, should not affect traffic Monday, officials said. But city workers will start detouring eastbound traffic into westbound lanes on Katella at 4 a.m. Tuesday and continue through Wednesday.

The process will be reversed starting Thursday, when all traffic will have to go on the eastbound lanes through Saturday.


The railroad company should be finished laying new tracks across the street by Saturday. City workers will then close off all Katella Avenue traffic at 4 a.m. Sunday so that rubber crossing material can be installed.

The city will finish paving the approaches to the crossing Sunday night. The road is set to reopen at 5 a.m. Monday.

Officials said access to businesses on the street will be maintained during the work.
