
Expanded Library Will Open Monday

Moorpark’s newly expanded library finally will open Monday.

The effort to expand the building by more than 50% came about after five years of planning.

Soon after the library was built in 1980, the city’s rapid jump in population overwhelmed the small building.

In 1991, planning for an expansion began, with then-Supervisor Vicky Howard spearheading an effort to set aside about $260,000 for the project, which was budgeted at $377,000. The city pledged another $65,000 and the rest came from private donations from a citywide fund-raiser and local corporations.


The latest work on the new facility included a book drive to make sure all the library’s shelves were filled, and a proposal by the city to build a parking lot on the building’s north side.

Workers broke ground on the expansion project in November. A grand opening celebration is set for July 20.
