
Writers and Recognition

Upon reading “Screenwriters Want to Tell Own Stories” (June 12) in which the writer of “Dragonheart” wants more recognition for his part in the film’s creation, I had to ask myself where is this guy coming from? He co-wrote the story and wrote the script and probably got paid more money than some of us will make in 10 years at the office. But his script is nothing more than some ink splashed on paper until the studio decides to risk $60 million to turn it into a movie. And incidentally, what people remember most about “Dragonheart” isn’t the story--it’s the computer-created dragon.

Screenwriters want more credit for a successful film--but to be fair, are they also willing to take full responsibility if a movie based on their script flops (without claiming that their scripts were altered during filming)? I wonder why the writer of “Last Action Hero” didn’t campaign for more name recognition.


