
Magic Moment: Eat your heart out David...

Magic Moment: Eat your heart out David Copperfield. . . . Granada Hills magician Edward Thompson and his partner, John Tong, above, plan to wow crowds this weekend with their “world’s greatest escape” trick at the NY/LA Theatre of the Arts in North Hollywood (F1A). Other venues won’t allow the stunt, not so much because of the danger, but because they don’t want water all over the floor.

Starship Lands: The latest incarnation of the Jefferson Starship plays in Glendale this weekend to kick off the city’s Summer Street Concert series. . . . The reformulated group includes three original members of the fabled Jefferson Airplane, whose hip music was required listening for the under-30 crowd back in the 1960s. (F1B)

Fun in the Sun: Musician wannabes will get their chance to learn how to play instruments ranging from the dulcimer to the Cajun fiddle at this weekend’s Summer Solstice Folk Music, Dance and Storytelling Festival at Soka University in Calabasas. . . . The event features some 300 workshops. (F1A)


Hidden Treasure: You can’t see them because of their locale, deep in the heart of Rocketdyne property in the Santa Susana Mountains, but each year during the summer solstice a special shadow dance is played out on a series of petroglyphs, carved by either the Chumash or Fernandenos.
