
Deal at a Glance

The heart of Anaheim’s deal with the Walt Disney Co. for the operation and renovation of Anaheim Stadium is financial. Highlights of the arrangement:

* RENOVATION COSTS: Disney will contribute $70 million and Anaheim $30 million.

* REVENUE: Disney will operate the stadium and retain all monies until income thresholds are met.

* PARKING: City will provide 12,500 spaces on site for baseball.

* LEASE: 33 years (three years for renovation and 30 for operation). Disney may bail out after 20 years of operation.


* STADIUM NAME: Team may “sell” the stadium name subject to city approval.

* TEAM NAME: Will change to Anaheim Angels no later than 1997 season.

* SPORTSTOWN: City’s ambitious plans for a sports and entertainment complex scaled back to 40 acres.
