

Students at the Culver City Middle School have helped put together a video that documents their involvement in a special program teaching them the importance of keeping litter off the streets.

The program stresses that litter can damage the Santa Monica Bay, Ballona Creek and Ballona Lagoon.

The video--part of a $9,000 grant from the Santa Monica Bay Restoration project, the Southern California Water District and the Culver City Recycling Office--is scheduled to air April 20 on Continental Cablevision’s public access Channel 37.


Footage in the video shows the students on field trips to local wetlands and waterways. They also perform an anti-litter rap song that they wrote.

The grant also provided training to teachers from the Audubon Society on conservation issues. Two Culver City educators who participated in the training won scholarships from the Audubon Society to spend a week in Connecticut studying birds and their migration patterns.
