
First Half of April


Sow in ground: spring greens and herbs, beets, burdock, carrots, collards, kale, marigolds, New Zealand spinach, sunflowers (except in the desert), nasturtiums, salad greens (except in the desert and interior climate where fuchsias won’t grow), radishes (except in the low desert), celery, celeriac, melons, watermelons (except in the low desert and mountains), common and fava beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and tomatillos (except in the mountains).

Plant: perennial herbs and eggplants (except in the mountains), artichokes, Chinese artichokes, cardoon, horseradish, Jerusalem artichokes, onion family, potatoes, rhubarb and strawberries (except in interior climates where fuchsias won’t grow and the desert).

Harvest: winter greens and herbs, collards, kale and radishes. Also beets, broccoli, cabbages, carrots (except in the mountains), peas and turnips (except in the low desert and mountains).



Sow for transplanting: broccoli, peppers, salsify, scorzonera, squashes, pumpkins and gourds; start sweet potato slips.

Sow in ground: broccoli, corn and all peas.

Plant: cauliflower, celeriac and leaf celery.

Harvest: asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, fennel, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, salsify and scorzonera.


Sow in ground: all the Low Desert crops plus corn, fennel, pumpkins and winter squashes.

Harvest: cauliflower, celeriac and leaf celery.


Sow in ground: okra, peanuts, peppers and summer squashes.

Plant: sweet potato slips.

Harvest: cucumbers, fennel, New Zealand spinach, parsnips, potatoes, salsify and scorzonera.



(Where fuchsias won’t grow)

Sow in ground: chickpeas, cowpeas, horticultural, lima, soybeans, yard-long beans, corn, all herbs, okra, peanuts and all squashes.

Plant: peppers and sweet potatoes.

Harvest: fennel, parsnips, salsify, scorzonera and shallots.

(Where fuchsias grow fairly well)

Sow and plant: all non-fuchsia crops.

Harvest: all non-fuchsia crops plus cauliflower.


Sow for transplanting: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, fennel, melons, watermelons, okra, peppers, squashes, pumpkins, tomatoes and tomatillos; start sweet potato slips.

(Low Mountains)

Also sow in ground: kohlrabi, peas, spring greens and herbs, turnips and rutabagas.

Plant under cover: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
