
SEAL BEACH : City Races Likely to Focus on Growth

Filing opened Monday for the City Council election in March, with property development promising to be a heated campaign issue.

Councilman Frank Laszlo, a staunch defender of the city’s slow-growth approach, cannot run for reelection because of term limits. Laszlo represents College Park East, where Bixby Ranch Co. had planned a 223-home development.

After six years of planning, the company last month withdrew the proposal for the development on the eve of City Council hearings.


Ron Bradshaw, Bixby Co. senior vice president, said it became clear that there were not enough votes on the council to win approval for the project.

Supporters of the Bixby project may become involved in the council election, said Tom Ross, a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee that backed the development. But Ross said it is premature to say whether residents will support a candidate.

The terms of both Laszlo and George Brown expire in April. Brown said he picked up his filing papers Monday and intends to seek another four-year council term. Laszlo said he will back Planning Commission Chairwoman Patty Campbell for election to his seat.


Laszlo served on the council from 1976 to 1984, then was elected again in 1988. He said he sees little chance that a pro-development candidate would win. “In the history of College Park East, they’ve always gone against any pro-development candidates by about 75% to 80%,” Laszlo said.

Brown, who represents Leisure World and College Park West, said he expects that the failed Bixby development will be a big issue, however, in the election of a successor to Laszlo.

“I don’t think a pro-development candidate could win an election in Seal Beach,” Brown said, “but that’s going to be a hot election.”
