
BODY WATCH : For Good Overall Health, Think Zinc

Iron and calcium seem to get all the publicity, but zinc is also an essential mineral for your body. Some zinc facts:

* Cells require zinc to multiply (zinc is essential for a developing fetus).

* Chemical reactions involving 80 to 90 enzymes use zinc to string together amino acids to form protein.

* Zinc, found in the vesicles of the mossy fiber system of the brain’s hippocampus, interacts with other chemicals to send messages to the sensory brain center, enhancing memory and thinking skills.


* As a drying agent and astringent, zinc oxide is used to soothe diaper rash and relieve itching.

* Zinc is a natural sunscreen, protecting chapped lips and skin; when applied as a thick cream, it blocks ultraviolet radiation.

* The best sources of zinc: red beans and seafoods, especially oysters.

* Stripping and bleaching grains removes their husks, which contain zinc and other nutrients.


* Source: “Zinc: Essential to Life.” For a free copy, write to Cricket Forster, American Zinc Assn., 1112 16th St., N.W., Suite 240, Washington, DC 20036, or call (202) 835-0164. Fax: (202) 835-0155.
