
Down for the Count

It seems Eddie Andrade had no purpose in life except to perpetuate, through his egomania, the mirage that he was the perfect physical specimen, immune to the aging process (“Death of a Fighter” by Michael Fessier Jr., Oct. 29). The spin implied is that Eddie suffered a hernia trying to lift himself onto this pedestal, got depressed, took a taxi instead of his bike to the beach, then shot himself and had a great fall. Who cares? This guy’s whole life was so filled with exclusive self-worship, it had no redeeming value.

Ken Hulbert

Santa Barbara


It saddens me that this “embodiment of the Fitness Movement” actually reflects a wide-scale preoccupation with working out and dieting to look good rather than feel good all over. Chronic headaches, back problems and Eddie’s two immobilizing back spasms indicate to me that he ignored most of his pain to look good. I’m sure he believed rigorous exercise and strict diet were all he needed to be “fit.” But he became despondent when what he believed wasn’t really working. Instead of giving up on boxing, he gave up on life.

R. Grant Ramey

Santa Monica
