
STANTON : Mobile Home Issue Pulled From Agenda

Mobile home park residents and owners turned out for this week’s City Council meeting to express their views on a proposed ordinance, only to find that the item was no longer on the council agenda.

“The other council members did not want it put on,” Councilman Sal Sapien said of the proposal, which would allow coach owners to sublease their homes. The consensus, he said, was to give the recently formed Katella Mobile Home Estates Review Committee an opportunity to deal with the issue.

Sapien said he will continue to urge the council to consider the issue.

“I think it is important,” he said. “There are a whole bunch of mobile homes in our city that have just been abandoned because seniors could not afford them. Something like this will help them if they get into financial trouble because they are sick.”


Park owners said they are vehemently opposed to such an ordinance. Gerard J. Dougher Jr., owner of Anaheim Mobile Estates and member of the Katella review panel, said owners oppose subleasing because renters are less likely to care for the property than homeowners are.
