
SIMI VALLEY : Nightclub Plans Incomplete, City Says

The developer of a proposed adult entertainment center in Simi Valley received word from city officials Tuesday that his plan was incomplete.

Members of the city’s Development Advisory Committee, which reviews projects that are scheduled to go before the city’s Planning Commission, said developer Philip Young had to redo a traffic study for the proposed nightclub, said Laura Kuhn, a deputy planning director for the city.

“It’s pretty routine for projects to come before the committee and be deemed incomplete,” Kuhn said.


Opponents of the proposed nightclub, which would feature nude dancing, said the committee’s ruling was an indication that the project could not meet city guidelines.

But Roger Diamond, an attorney for Young, said that Young and city officials had discussed the issue and that there was no disagreement that additional work needed to be done.

Young has a lawsuit pending against the city of Simi Valley, alleging that his First Amendment rights were violated when the city tried to bar construction of the nightclub in 1993, Diamond said.


The lawsuit is on hold while Young submits new plans, he said.

“We’re willing to do whatever the city asks to make this happen,” he said.
