
Fugitive Colbern Is Ordered to Return to California to Face Weapons Charge

From Associated Press

A fugitive gun enthusiast who caught the interest of federal authorities because of a possible connection with an Oklahoma City bombing suspect was ordered Friday to return to California to face an unrelated weapons charge.

Steven G. Colbern, formerly of Oxnard, waived his right to an identity hearing in federal court and will be transferred to the Central District of the U.S. District Court in California.

The 35-year-old biochemist has been held without bond in a federal facility in Phoenix since May 12. He was arrested that day in Oatman, Ariz., on charges stemming from his scuffle with federal marshals who had tracked him there.


John Hannah, Colbern’s lawyer, told reporters after the hearing that he does not believe his client is connected with the bombing.

The U.S. attorney’s office has refused to comment on any possible link between Colbern’s arrest and the Oklahoma terrorist attack.

At an earlier court hearing, U.S. Atty. Janet Napalitano said Colbern’s case in Arizona was based only on charges stemming from his arrest.


Colbern was arrested in July in Upland during a traffic stop. Police said Colbern was found carrying a knife and an illegal weapon. When an officer attempted to arrest Colbern, he put up such a struggle that five other officers were needed to subdue him, according to court records.

In Colbern’s car, officers said they found an array of firearms and ammunition.
