
Investigator Placed at a Disadvantage

Theresa Bouvier has apparently been administratively accused of practicing medicine without a license, and her ex-husband, Dr. Nguyen Abram, is charged with insurance fraud and improperly storing Demerol (“Medical Board Names Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon in Accusation,” Feb. 9).

Bouvier contends that Medical Board Investigator Larry Blochl “repeatedly harassed her after she rebuffed his romantic solicitations and business offers.” Bouvier contends, “I’m very much a victim.”

It is a pathetic shame that The Times reporter felt that this was somehow responsible journalism. It is atrocious that this reporter would so quickly facilitate this woman’s lame attempt to exact some type of petty revenge on a law enforcement official who has just been doing his job.


This may be news to (you) but our law enforcement officers do not always deal with honorable people who never lie. Remember that this lady is being charged with falsely portraying herself as a doctor for four years. That is not something that an honest person does.

Is it then fair to Investigator Blochl that The Times so quickly print this same person’s unfounded trash about “romantic solicitations”?

It was very bad judgment to participate in this slander. The Times should not lower itself to be anybody’s pawn. It is too good a newspaper for this.



