
CHATSWORTH : Middle School Hopes to Help Kobe Victims

After the Northridge quake last year, Lawrence Middle School received many unsolicited donations from organizations and corporations from all over the world to help with the recovery process.

When Kobe was hit earlier this month with a 6.8-magnitude earthquake, the staff and students at Lawrence decided to return the favor.

The Rays Club, a student service organization at Lawrence, started an aluminum can drive to help raise money to be sent to the Japanese city.


Brenda Winter, assistant principal at Lawrence, said the money raised will be sent to a middle school in Kobe. The recycling drive was scheduled to continue all week.

Winter said that student government leaders at Lawrence will hold a bake sale in February to raise additional funds for Kobe victims.

Other schools in the Northridge-Chatsworth area will also pool their resources to help, said Rick Wetzell, principal of Calahan Street Elementary in Northridge.


Wetzell, who is coordinating student programs for Kobe aid, said that he expects there will be fund-raisers, food collections and letter-writing campaigns during which Valley students will write letters of support and reassurance to youngsters in Kobe.
