
DANA POINT : Engineer Resigns Planning Panel Post

Carlos Olvera, a planning commissioner for five years, has resigned from the five-member panel, citing personal reasons.

Olvera, 52, a senior engineer for Southern California Edison, said Wednesday that he has been considering leaving the commission for several months.

“There are just a whole lot of little personal items that made it seem time for a change,” Olvera said. “The timing seemed appropriate, with the selection of the new commissioners.”


Olvera, a member of the city’s charter Planning Commission, selected in 1989, was in the middle of his second four-year term. He will be replaced by the commission alternate, Blake Hinman, a local landscape architect.

The City Council recently appointed commissioners Lynn Dawson and Jim Hyde to their second four-year terms and J. Michael Reed, a former parks commissioner, to his first term.

Olvera said he had succeeded in helping the city write its first-ever General Plan and zoning code during his tenure on the commission.


“I feel like I’ve done a lot,” Olvera said. “I had a good time and got a sense of satisfaction.”
