

* As a small employer, one must wonder what goes through our local governments’ (county and city) bureaucratic minds when it comes to scheduling interviews with persons on some sort of government assistance program.

On many occasion I’ve had employees not ask but tell me that they have an appointment with their social worker to discuss one of the programs and their eligibility. Failure to attend or attempt to reschedule after work is either impossible of forbidden.

In any event, they must take the time off, and in some cases the entire day since the bureaucratic minds have trouble keeping the appointment time.


In the end, the employees often lose their jobs, the taxpayers continue to pay more for these assistance programs, and the bureaucrat still continues to be oblivious to the real problem.

It’s about time the system bureaucrats begin to deal with the problem they often cause themselves. Perhaps evening appointments for those who work during the day may save jobs and reduce government cost. But then again, this would be contrary to the definition of bureaucrat.


