
ELECTIONS ’94 / The Midwest : ILLINOIS

The major races in the Midwest: Senate races: 8 House races: 105 Governor: 9

Governor--Incumbent Republican Jim Edgar quashed challenges from Democrat Dawn Clark Netsch, the state comptroller, and David Kelley. Edgar had held a huge lead in both money and poll numbers during the race.

* House--Democrats lost two of the state’s 20 seats, leaving the two parties with 10 seats apiece. In the most closely watched race, Republican Michael Flanagan, a 31-year-old Chicago lawyer, defeated 18-term veteran Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, 66. Rostenkowski had to give up his powerful chairmanship of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee in June because of a 17-count federal indictment charging him with allegedly misusing government and campaign funds.


* Senate--GOP incumbent Richard G. Lugar won handily, defeating Democrat James Jontz and two other candidates. Lugar’s victory placed him in line to be Agriculture chairman in a Republican Senate.


* House--Democrats had held seven of the state’s 10 seats. They retained only four, leaving Republicans with six.


* Governor--Three-term GOP incumbent Terry E. Branstad beat state Attorney General Bonnie J. Campbell after squeaking past a tough primary challenge from Rep. Fred Grandy, “Gopher” of TV’s “Love Boat,” who refused to endorse Branstad and whose wife endorsed Campbell.

* House--Republicans captured all five of the state’s seats, adding one more representative than they had in the 103rd Congress.



* Governor--Republican Bill Graves defeated Rep. Jim Slattery for the office of Democratic Gov. Joan Finney, who did not seek a second term.

* House--The state’s four seats had been evenly split between Democrats and the GOP. But on Tuesday, Republicans captured all four.


* Governor--Republican incumbent John Engler--after cutting property taxes, balancing the budget, revamping school financing and basking in the benefits of a buoyant auto industry--won a second term over former Democratic Rep. Howard Wolpe.


* Senate--Spencer Abraham, a deputy chief of staff for former Vice President Dan Quayle, defeated nine-term Rep. Bob Carr to claim the seat of retiring Democratic Sen. Donald Riegle for the Republican Party.

* House--Of the state’s 16 seats, 10 had been held by Democrats. In Tuesday’s voting, only seven had gone to Democrats at press time. Six were in the hands of the GOP, and the remaining three had yet had to be decided.


* Governor--Republican incumbent Arne Carlson, a fiscal conservative who supports legal abortion and gay rights, won a second term over Democratic state Sen. John Marty.

* Senate--Republican Rod Grams defeated Democrat Ann Wynia, a former state legislative leader, to capture the seat held by retiring Republican Sen. Dave Durenberger.

* House--Of eight seats in the state, six were held by Democrats. At press time Tuesday, five had gone Democratic and two Republican, with one still undecided.


* Senate--Two-term Gov. John Ashcroft, who campaigned on congressional reform and his commitment to the death penalty, kept the seat of retiring Sen. John Danforth in Republican hands. Democratic Rep. Alan Wheat had hoped to become the state’s first black senator. Wheat had 86 overdrafts at the House bank.


* House--The state’s nine representatives remain as they were: six Democratic and three Republican. Former Majority Leader Richard A. Gephardt was reelected.


* Governor--Incumbent Democrat Ben Nelson won against Gene Spence. Nelson was so far ahead of Spence a week before the election that the Republican virtually conceded, putting his chances of winning at 100 to 1.

* Senate--Retired phone company executive Jan Stoney was unable to use President Clinton’s unpopularity in her long-shot bid to oust first-term Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey. Kerrey, well liked in Nebraska, is seen as a thorn in Clinton’s side, despite his vote for the President’s 1993 budget plan.

* House--Republicans, who had held two of the state’s three seats, won all three on Tuesday.

* Other--Voters decided term limits for members of Congress and state offices.


* Senate--First-term Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad defeated Ben Clayburgh, a Republican orthopedic surgeon.

* House--In a state where no House member has lost a reelection bid since 1966, freshman Democratic Rep. Earl Pomeroy fought off an aggressive challenge from state Rep. Gary Porter. Porter painted Pomeroy as a Clinton supporter, while the Democrat lashed back at him for signing the GOP’s “Contract with America” in Washington.



* Governor--GOP incumbent George V. Voinovich coasted to an overwhelming victory over Democrat Robert Burch Jr. and Billy Inmon.

* Senate--Republican Lt. Gov. Mike DeWine won the state’s open seat, dashing the hopes of legal clinic founder Joel Hyatt to inherit the seat of his father-in-law, Democrat Howard Metzenbaum. DeWine, 47, is a former prosecutor, state senator and congressman. The father of eight considered dropping out of the race after one of his daughters was killed in a car accident last year. He is the first Republican senator from Ohio since 1976.

* House--Democrats lost four of the 10 seats they had held, leaving them with six of the state’s 19 and Republicans with the remaining 13.


* Governor--Former GOP Gov. William J. Janklow won his comeback bid against Democrat Jim Beddow, the former president of Dakota Wesleyan University. As governor from 1979 to 1987, Janklow gained a reputation as an abrasive and sometimes dictatorial administrator who nonetheless got things done. State law prevented him from seeking a third consecutive term.

* House--Incumbent Democrat Tim Johnson defeated Republican Jan Berkhout and Ronald Wieczorek for the state’s only seat.


* Governor--The GOP’s Tommy Thompson turned back Democrat Chuck Chvala and three others.

* Senate--Milwaukee Bucks team owner Herb Kohl, the Democratic incumbent, slam-dunked GOP state Sen. Robert Welch. Kohl, a retailing tycoon with cash to burn, won while taking no political action committee money and making that an advertising theme.


* House--At press time, six of the state’s nine seats were Republican and two were Democratic, with the remaining seat still undecided. Previously, five were Republican and four were Democratic.
