
Gang Problem

* I very much appreciate the commentary of state Sen. Gary Hart, “Prisons Over Schools: Formula for Failure” (Sept. 6). As an individual who grew up in East Los Angeles, I have been acutely aware of the gang problem all my life.

For the past 20 years I have closely observed gang issues and worked closely with gang projects. Sen. Hart’s comments are very accurate. I would like to take them one step further.

Everything the criminal justice system does reinforces the gang problem because the gang mentality is a stance against the mainstream culture. Going to prison is a “badge of courage” for a gang member. That’s why even though the prison system continuously utilizes a bigger portion of the state budget, there are more and more gang members.


The gang problem has reached the level of a social catastrophe. That’s why we of the Coalition for the Transformation of South Central L.A. are creating responses to the gang problem which offer possibility to gang members and at-risk youth.

If anyone would like information about the coalition’s projects, please call us at (800) 959-3950.


