
LOS ALAMITOS : Residents Request Repairs of Streets

College North Park residents are demanding that the city repair damaged streets in their neighborhood immediately, but city officials say it would take about two years before that could be done.

The residents said that the streets have cracks and weeds are growing in them, making the neighborhood look unkempt and poorly maintained, which could drive down property values.

“As we look at other neighborhoods, it is clear that we are neglected,” the residents said in a petition submitted to the City Council Monday. “We need immediate work on these streets.”


But Victor Rollinger, the city’s public works director and city engineer, said street cracks are common and they do not appear to be dangerous to motorists.

“There are other streets that need pavement work more than these streets,” Rollinger said. He said that under the city’s plans, the streets in the College North Park tract are scheduled for repair in the 1996-97 fiscal year.

He said the intersection of Kaylor Avenue and Toland Circle, which appears to have the most damage, will be repaired immediately.


Rollinger said that a city crew has sprayed chemicals on weeds and grass growing in the cracks to eradicate the unwanted plants.

Al Blackburn, a College North Park resident for the past 19 years who circulated the petition, said that the city could end up spending more unless the street repairs are done immediately.

“If the rains come as it did two years ago, we’ll be in bigger trouble,” Blackburn said. He said that the street damage began during the heavy rains in 1992.


Blackburn, 65, a retired engineer, said that residents also want the city to install a traffic light at Kaylor Avenue and Ball Road.

A traffic study will be conducted to determine if that would be necessary, according to Rollinger. He said that a traffic light at the intersection could cost more than $100,000, which would have to be funded by the city.

Ninety-nine residents on Kaylor Avenue, Holden Circle, Fenley Drive, Toland Avenue and Toland Circle signed the petition. There are 108 homes in the 24-year-old housing tract.
