
Libraries: Threatened Closure in Hermosa Beach

Once again the Los Angeles County Library system is threatening our Hermosa Beach library with closure--total shutdown sometime in July or August.

Whether this is simply another political ploy, or the library is really to be boarded up, is not the issue. The point is that our situation is unacceptable.

The county collects about $304,000 from Hermosa Beach property owners, tax revenue mandated for yearly library services. With a two-day-a-week library operation, we’re not getting our money’s worth! For that amount we deserve a full-time library and think we can operate one if the county will return our library funds to the city.


The governing board of the Hermosa Beach Friends of the Library voted unanimously to endorse and support the recommendation of the Hermosa Beach City Council library subcommittee: that the city immediately begin the process of leaving the county library system, acquire title to the library building, negotiate for the current inventory of books and materials, and for the terms of transfer of funds.

Whatever the sequence of events, the Hermosa Beach Friends of the Library is here to stay. If the library is closed for a period of time (a short transition period, we hope) we have requested that the city provide us with a reading room for use of the magazines and newspapers we already donate.


Hermosa Beach

Malone is recorder and former president of Hermosa Beach Friends of the Library.
