
Desalter: Facility Ownership Clarified

This letter is in reference to “Torrance: Success of Desalter May Be Multiplied,” (June 23). In the article it is stated that the C. Marvin Brewer Desalting Facility is owned by the Central Basin Municipal Water District. This statement is incorrect. The C. Marvin Brewer Desalting Facility is owned by the West Basin Municipal Water District, which serves the communities in the South Bay, the city of West Hollywood and unincorporated areas of southwest Los Angeles County. The Central Basin Municipal Water District serves the communities located in Southeast Los Angeles County.

The West Basin Municipal Water District and the Central Basin Municipal Water District are two of the 27 member agencies of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Each district is governed by a separate five-member board of directors, who are elected by the public. Together, both districts serve 2.4 million people within a 412-square-mile area of Los Angeles County.

In addition, we are currently living in a time in which the phrase reinventing government is commonly heard, and yet rarely acted upon. At the West Basin Municipal Water District and the Central Basin Municipal Water District, 30 full-time employees have been working without fanfare to solve the area’s drought problem through the formation of partnerships with other governmental agencies and innovative water-recycling projects that will help to drought-proof the 40 communities we serve.




Ortega is public affairs manager for West Basin and Central Basin municipal water districts.
