
CAMARILLO : Forums on Airfield Proposal Scheduled

In an effort to solicit community opinion on the proposed civilian-military joint use of the airfield at the Point Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station, the city of Camarillo will sponsor a series of community forums, officials announced.

The first forum begins at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Camarillo Springs Clubhouse, 6358 Irena Ave.

Officials said the forums will include a discussion of the recently released feasibility study by the Southern California Assn. of Governments. The study, which was released late last week, indicated that enough demand exists in the county to support a regional airport.


Eastern Camarillo residents in the past have expressed concern that the proposal would sharply increase noise in their neighborhood, which in part lies under Point Mugu’s main flight path.

Other forums will be held at 7 p.m. June 15 at Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive; June 20 at Las Colinas School gymnasium, 5750 Fieldcrest Drive, and July 8 at the Camarillo Leisure Village Recreation Center, 200 Leisure Village Drive West.

For information, call 388-5307.
