
Editorial on Guns Missed the Mark

* My immediate and angry reaction to the editorial “Gun Violence Is Out of Control” (Jan. 3) was to cancel my subscription.

After giving it a little thought, however, three reasons to continue receiving The Times on Sunday became apparent: I enjoy the Sunday comics section; the large format television guide has my cable system’s channel breakdown and is therefore more convenient than the alternatives, and I and all freedom-loving Americans must keep abreast of the enemies of liberty in this country, though it galls us to subsidize them by subscribing to their publications.

I do not disagree that violence of all types--including that in which guns are involved--is on the rise. I do not disagree that something must be done. I just don’t support solutions that restrict or eliminate my constitutional rights or those of other law-abiding citizens.


The Times apparently does not believe in punishing criminals but in restricting the rights of the victims of crime. Nowhere in the offending editorial was there mention of mandatory sentencing, better and larger police forces or other measures aimed at the criminals in our society.


