
Include Adults in Bike-Helmet Law

* I am a high school student who has just heard of the new laws starting this year. Some of these, as you are probably aware, include: the bike helmet law; the teen-age DUIs; the no-smoking-in-a-public-building law and also the seat-belt-in-the-back-of-trucks law.

I am in total agreement with all the new laws I listed, however, I do have a concern about the bike-helmet law.

The law states that all kids under the age of 18 should be wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle. My only question is why does the age limit stop at 18?


This law is for the safety of the bicycler. Well, can’t people over 18 be unsafe?

I want to know what it would do to just make sure everyone is wearing helmets. The law may very well benefit some irresponsible adults as well as children. Motorcyclists, no matter what age, have to wear a helmet. Even though I know motorcycles are usually more dangerous than bikes, both vehicles can kill when (the rider is) not wearing a helmet.

I just do not understand why the bike helmet law was not made for adults as well as kids to begin with.

I’m glad, though, the law was made. I sure hope this law will bring down the percentage of head injuries resulting from bicycle accidents.



Laguna Niguel
