
Native American Film Festival at Southwest

The Southwest Museum will present the 11th annual Native American Film Festival Jan. 15 and Jan. 16 at 2 p.m.

On Jan. 15 the festival will present Jed Riffe, Pam Roberts and Anne Makepeace’s “Ishi, the Last Yahi,” a documentary on the final surviving member of a Northern California tribe; Frank Brown’s “Voyage of Rediscovery,” a contemporary study of a traditional form of dealing with a juvenile delinquent in the Heiltsuk tribe; Anne Rutledge and David Current’s “Waterborne: Gift of the Indian Canoe,” a celebration of the revival of the ancient art of canoe carving and racing; and Arlene Bowman’s “Conrad Hunter,” which tells of a Hualapi Indian’s life and problems with alcohol.

Jan. 16: Christine Welsh, Norma Bailey and Signe Johansson’s “Women in the Shadows” tells of Welsh’s quest for the grandmothers she never knew and discovery of the racism experienced by the women of the Metis tribe.


Ellen Frankenstein and Sharom Gmelch’s “A Matter of Respect” portrays Native Alaskans preserving their culture and identity.

Peter Von Puttkamer’s “The Spirit of the Mask” focuses on the spiritual and psychological meanings embodied in the masks of the Northwest Coast native peoples.

Information: (213) 221-2164, ext. 233.
