
California Lags in Personal Income

California and many East Coast states are still struggling to shake off the recession, in contrast with a near-boom across parts of the Western Plains and Rocky Mountains.

California, hit hard by layoffs in the defense and aerospace industries, saw incomes grow the least of any state over the 12 months ended in the second quarter of this year, the Commerce Department said.

Personal incomes grew just 3.2% here, compared to a national average increase of 5.5%. Meanwhile, in adjoining Nevada, incomes shot up 10.7%, the best in the nation.


Percentage changes, by state, in personal income from the second quarter of 1992 to the second quarter of 1993, followed by a ranking for each state during the period:

State Chg Rank Alabama +7.0 13 Alaska +5.4 32 Arizona +7.5 8 Arkansas +5.8 27 California +3.2 50 Colorado +7.6 6 Conn. +5.7 29 Delaware +4.7 45 D.C. +4.6 - Florida +7.8 4 Georgia +6.8 15 Hawaii +6.1 23 Idaho +7.7 5 Illinois +5.4 33 Indiana +6.3 22 Iowa +5.3 34 Kansas +5.9 26 Kentucky +5.1 36 Louisana +4.0 46 Maine +4.0 48 Maryland +4.8 42 Massachusetts +4.0 47 Michigan +4.9 39 Minnesota +7.9 3 Mississippi +6.5 20 Missouri +4.7 44 State Chg Rank Montana +6.7 16 Nebraska +6.0 24 Nevada +10.7 1 New Hampshire +4.9 38 New Jersey +5.5 31 New Mexico +7.4 9 New York +4.8 40 North Carolina +6.7 17 North Dakota +7.5 7 Ohio +4.7 43 Oklahoma +4.8 41 Oregon +7.3 10 Pennsylvania +5.0 37 Rhode Island +3.9 49 South Carolina +5.8 28 South Dakota +7.3 11 Tennessee +7.2 12 Texas +6.5 19 Utah +8.6 2 Vermont +5.1 35 Virginia +6.0 25 Washington +6.6 18 West Virginia +5.7 30 Wisconsin +6.9 14 Wyoming +6.3 21 USA +5.5 -
