
Quick-Fix Child-Proofing

When children are house guests, their hosts and parents should be alert to the dangers of a home that is not child-proofed. Here is a brief checklist of the most common hazards and easy, inexpensive temporary steps adults can take to protect visiting children:

* Lock all doors and windows that offer access to a swimming pool, hot tub or other water.

* Screen fireplaces and never leave children unattended in a room with a fire.

* Move all medicine, even vitamins, and all hazardous household substances to a spot where visiting children can’t get at them.

* Put away unnecessary low-hanging wires and extension cords. Buy plugs for wall sockets--or cover them with sturdy tape.


* Block children’s access to the tops of stairways with a gate or an improvised barrier.

* Remember that the holiday goodies adults enjoy can be dangerous for children. Nuts, hard candies and hot drinks or drinks with alcohol should not be left on tables where children can reach them.
