
Forum to Focus on City Water Rates

The controversial issue of water rates in the city of Los Angeles will be the focus of a public meeting Monday in Woodland Hills, hosted by the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Water Rate Restructuring.

The meeting will be an opportunity for San Fernando Valley residents to give the committee suggestions and complaints about the city’s Department of Water and Power’s new rate system adopted in December, 1992.

During the recent summer months, Valley residents have complained vociferously about the new rate system because it falls heaviest on those residents with bigger lawns who live in the city’s hottest region--such as those who live in the Valley.


Hundreds of customers are reporting bimonthly DWP bills in the $700 range.

Under the new, two-tiered water rate system, DWP customers who use more than twice the median amount of water in a billing period are charged a rate more than 50% higher than the one reserved for more thrifty water users.

The meeting will be at El Camino Real High School’s multipurpose room, 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, from 6 to 9 p.m. A second Valley meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at Van Nuys Middle School, 5435 Vesper Ave., Sherman Oaks, from 6 to 9 p.m.

In separate press statements, Council members Laura Chick and Hal Bernson, both of whom represent parts of the Valley, urged Valley residents to attend the meetings and voice their complaints.
