
Landfill Taking Residents’ Fire Debris

Residents looking for a place to get rid of debris from the recent fires can use the Frank R. Bowerman Landfill near Irvine.

Officials have designated the facility on Sand Canyon Avenue as the only county-operated landfill that will accept fire debris.

Normally, the landfill does not accept loads from the general public. But, for the next four months, the county will allow fire victims to haul burned materials to the landfill.


The Bowerman Landfill was chosen for fire debris in part because the bottom of the landfill is lined with a synthetic covering that prevents waste materials from seeping into the ground. The Bowerman Landfill is also the closest one to Laguna Beach and Laguna Canyon.

Landfill fees for fire debris are $10 minimum for cars and $15 minimum for pickup trucks. Larger loads will be charged $27.75 per ton.

The landfill is on Sand Canyon Avenue near Interstate 5 and is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The landfill will accept fire waste from the public until March 1.
