
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : High School District Is Considering Selling Land : Antelope Valley: Trustees, strapped for funds, believe that several campuses contain unnecessary property that could have market value.


The financially strapped Antelope Valley Union High School District is considering selling off excess land at its high schools.

The district board of trustees Wednesday unanimously declared 11 acres at Palmdale High School as surplus, a step that is necessary before all or some of the property can be sold. The land at the school is south of Palmdale Boulevard, off 20th Street East.

If the district puts the land up for sale, it won’t be for several months, Supt. Robert Girolamo said. Depending on the results of an appraisal and the amount of land sold, the district could net between $300,000 and $1.2 million from the sale, administrators said.


Girolamo said a committee is also evaluating the property needs at all of the district’s other high schools to determine if there is excess land that could be sold. At least three other high schools, he said, are thought to have some unnecessary property that could have market value.

The 11.25 acres being considered for sale at Palmdale High School are now used by the school’s agricultural and athletic departments. Its ball fields are used by both the school and Palmdale Pony League Baseball. The district said if the property is sold, the fields would be rebuilt on another area of Palmdale High, situated off Avenue R and 20th Street East in Palmdale.

A large supermarket is under construction next to the land that might be sold, so the district believes the site has the potential for commercial use.


Before the land can be sold, however, a parcel map must be approved by the city of Palmdale and the school board is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed sale of the land, Girolamo said. After the hearing, which Girolamo said probably will not be held until January, the district must then make the land available for purchase by the city of Palmdale.

“We’ll do it by the bid process,” Girolamo said. “We’ll take the bid that’s going to maximize the profits for the district.”

Palmdale High School includes 68 acres, 21.5 acres more than the state Department of Education recommends for a high school with 2,200 to 2,400 students.
