

“When specific problems were posed, most Influentials said the issue that should receive top priority from the U.S. government is strngthening the domestic economy in order to improve America’s international position. But the public gave specific international problems much greater attention. Stopping drug trafficking was the top priority...”

Q. As I read a list of specific foreign policy problems, tell me whether each one should have top priority in the U.S. governent, a priority but not top priority, or no priority:

Influentials Pub Problem Top Priority A Priority Top Priority Insuring democracy succeeds in Russia and other former Soviet states 51 41 23 Strengthening our domestic economy to improve the U.S. international position 86 13 71 Better managing our trade and economic disputes with Japan 49 49 48 Ending the warfare in the Balkans 31 60 21 Bringing about a permanent settlement between Israel and the Arabs 47 48 34 Stopping the flood of illegal aliens into the country 29 55 65 Adopting a North American Free Trade Agreement 43 46 27 Guarding against a resurgent Germany 7 32 17 Protecting the global environment 49 47 64 Getting Saddam Hussein out of Iraq 14 52 54 Stopping international drug trafficking 45 45 82 Countering the threat of North Korean militarism 24 59 20 Keeping a careful watch on the emergence of China as a world power 33 54 33


lic Problem A Priority Insuring democracy succeeds in Russia and other former Soviet states 53 Strengthening our domestic economy to improve the U.S. international position 24 Better managing our trade and economic disputes with Japan 43 Ending the warfare in the Balkans 47 Bringing about a permanent settlement between Israel and the Arabs 45 Stopping the flood of illegal aliens into the country 28 Adopting a North American Free Trade Agreement 49 Guarding against a resurgent Germany 46 Protecting the global environment 31 Getting Saddam Hussein out of Iraq 28 Stopping international drug trafficking 14 Countering the threat of North Korean militarism 49 Keeping a careful watch on the emergence of China as a world power 45
