
CLUB REVIEW : C n C Saturday Night Scene: Crowded but Not Feverish

Over the summer, Carlos n’ Charlie’s on the Sunset Strip changed its name to C n C--in part an attempt by new owners to shake the club’s ‘80s meat-market image. But if last week’s Saturday Night Fever Club was any indication, the name change is purely cosmetic.

All that was different were the fashions. In the crowded, late-night club--which takes over after the restaurant stops serving--the self-conscious flirting of the ‘80s was still in full bloom.

Although guests decked out in ‘70s garb got a $3-reduction on the $10-cover charge, saving a few bucks wasn’t enough to entice most of this well-heeled crowd into platforms.


The upstairs dancing area was writhing-room-only and felt uncomfortably like a high school dance--men lined up on one side of the mirrored room and women on the other, all pretending not to notice one another. In one corner, three young guys practiced pick-up lines.

Downstairs, a funky blend of Aretha Franklin and James Brown music served as a nifty backdrop to the club’s best feature--the pool room. Under the bright lights of the three pool tables, amorous club-goers can get a good look at each other. One of the big attractions of the room is a romantic view of almost all of L.A.

Although the club seemed pleasant enough, two jaded 21-year-olds were overheard putting it down. Said one: “The crowd’s so Valley now.” The other added: “It’s so teeny-bopper.”


Even so, they stuck around for the rest of the evening.

* C n C’s Saturday Night Fever Club, 8240 W. Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, Saturdays only; (213) 656-0100.
