
Altadena : Records Subpoena Rejected

In an ongoing dispute over the Altadena Town Council’s May election, town officials have rejected a subpoena from a defeated candidate’s attorney requiring them to turn over voter registration sheets and ballots.

Chairman Gregory Norden informed the council last week that the executive committee had rejected the request and that a deputy city attorney for Los Angeles, David Hotchkiss, would handle the subpoena on a pro bono basis.

Jonathan Vos Post, a candidate who was defeated by Craig Hall for the seat representing Altadena Census Tract 4602, has disputed the results of the election since May. He claims Hall’s family members campaigned too close to voting places. He also has questioned the ballot counting process.


Vos Post’s attorney served the subpoena on the Altadena Town Council’s Executive Committee earlier this summer, requesting the voting information be provided by Aug. 30, 1993.

Hall has denied the charges. He took his seat on the council after it rejected Vos Post’s claims. Vos Post, who finished second in the race, serves as an alternate to Hall.
