
Making Sure It’s Fit to Drink

Most of us take water for granted. But the 250 or so California companies that manufacture and supply water purification systems hold H2O in such regard that they meet once a year to discuss its fine points.

Their annual trade show took place last weekend at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel, where more than 1,000 people in the water business congregated. The event was sponsored by the Pacific Water Quality Assn., based in Huntington Beach, which represents the state’s water purification companies. On display were systems that through filtration, osmosis or distillation reduce mineral content in water for homes and offices.

Californians appear to have a greater appreciation than most for nature’s first thirst quencher, according to association spokesman Jeff Schenkel. “Polls show that more consumers use water filtration systems in California than anywhere else in the country,” he said.
