
NO MORE BEE LINE: Heather DeLoach of...

NO MORE BEE LINE: Heather DeLoach of Lake Forest is becoming a cult favorite. Not bad, considering she’s only 10, a fifth-grader at Olivewood Elementary School. She’s the underdog bumble bee girl in the hot Blind Melon video “No Rain.” MTV has done a major spot on her, and she’s been interviewed by Spin magazine. But now, says mom Susan, Heather has seen the video so much “she flips by it when it’s on TV.” . . . . Heather’s next role: She’s in a Nick Nolte movie to be released in December.

RISING SUM: Further evidence the county is increasingly multinational: In a recent civil suit in Santa Ana involving a Japanese company, the plaintiff in the case asked that relief be paid in yen instead of American dollars.

BALLET LYNCHPIN: For Molly Lynch, the title of artistic director at Ballet Pacifica is not a one-job role. She works with the dancers, runs the productions, selects the pieces, keeps up a workshop, and this year has even written some of the ballets to be performed. . . . One great satisfaction: Several of the 13 permanent dancers have been in the company since she came five years ago. “I think we offer them enough variety that we’ve kept their interest.” Ballet Pacifica’s 1993-94 concert series opens Oct. 8 with Antony Tudo’s “Sunflowers.”


JUDGES BEWARE: Legal Reform Day is Oct. 19, and Barbara Swist of Newport Beach is already sharpening her knives. Her Consumers for Legal Reform--many of its 200 members burned by a judge or two--is preparing a survey: Best and worst judges in Orange County. Problem is, Swist says, everybody’s turning in just their “bad” list. And on Legal Reform Day, she says, “We plan to confront them and tell them we want a change in ways.”
